This was from an exhibit of some British fashion designer's work. The rectangles on the wall are different patterns he created or used, I'm not sure which.

This taken from the other side of the wall with patterns on it. You can see some of his dresses and behind them is a collage of more patterns, pictures, and ... etc.

This is the famous crack in the Tate Modern. I don't get modern art. I can make up excuses for my mistakes after-the-fact too. You see how I took the picture? It was intentionally bad. I WANTED it to be crooked, pixelated and poorly lit. You can play along now too, help me finish this sentence: I [thing we're making an excuse for] to symbolize the [current event|social movement] and to [reflect|reinforce] the [characteristic of the subject].

I don't think I was supposed to take photos in this area but I only figured that out afterwards. Oops, oh well. 80's twist: I rebelled and took pictures where I wasn't supposed to to symbolize the struggle and oppression in North Korea and to reflect the free, expressive nature of this sculpture.

* The kind of art that you have to stare at for anywhere between 10 minutes to several hours (depending on how dedicated you are and how little a life you have) making humming noises** to score scene points with the respectable connoisseurs around you that are doing the same thing.
** "Hmm, now with more pulp!"
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