Monday, January 21, 2008

Night On Brick Lane

I went to a place called "Verge" (on Brick Lane) last weekend. It was pretty nice. He's a picture of their menu.

We opted for taking the scenic route back to Liverpool Street station. On the way we found this building that was set up to flash different colours. It was pretty weird. Unfortunately I was talking into being in the picture and I'm too lazy to crop it.

I had my first experience with a London night but. It was super packed for the first part of the trip but we made pretty good time. I know it's blurry and grainy and horrible but it's the best I could do.

I'm still alive AND I haven't been stabbed yet. I read in the paper today that they are going to start marketing a bulletproof sweatshirt for the urbanites. I don't plan to invest.

News Flash

This was a story on the free newspaper you pick up at tube stations.

I left the image full size so you could read the article if you wanted to.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Red Rooster

One of these things is not like the other. One of these thing just isn't the same. Can you spot it?

Who do they think the are fooling by putting it between the Red Bull and sugarless Red Bull. I admit it could probably fool someone that lacks all 5 senses and is not familiar with energy drinks. Even then I'm sure it would still be a tough call. That doesn't seem like a very profitable demographic to be targeting. They copied Red Bull right down to the last detail and still managed to do a terrible job. As if naming the drink "Red [animal]" wasn't enough they ripped off the tag line too. The original, "Energy Drink," has been swapped for "Stimulation Drink" à la Word-right-click-synonyms. Way to raise the bar!

At least they went with an appropriate animal, roosters do wake up and can be red. Although, to be honest I would probably buy a drink named Red Platypus just for the amazingness-factor.

Also: Note the slightly larger cans of Red Bull on the left self. That isn't an optical illusion those are bigger and therefore packed with more energy. But still not quite as much as Power Thirst.

Making Pasta

I had pasta for the past three nights to use up my ground beef. It is really cheap, really easy and really seems like something I will be eating quite a bit of. Hopefully I make it more interesting, but I had a few good trials. Here's a picture of it in progress.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

See, I wasn't kidding about the people at the Design Museum. It looks like they actually made an event for the scarf-wearing Artistes. I'm not sure if that ranks above or below Star Bucks screenplay writers on my personal scale of Contempt to Hate. Once I consult with Alex I will let you know. I present Glam Night Knit Night: "BE GLAMOUS, BE CHIC BE COSY AND BE SEEN." BE AFRAID!

"Dress code: party frock or cardy." (Seriously)

I'm too busy to make stuff like this up. I will not be attending.

Update: After some deliberation I have decided that it is better that the Design Museum ropes these people and keeps the streets clean and safe. I salute their efforts.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Over here that stands for National Insurance Number. It's a number I need to give my employer so that the government can take money from me more efficiently. I'll barely have a chance to use it as it takes about 8 weeks to arrive but I shouldn't have to apply for it again.

On my way to the government office where I applied for it, I saw a building that looked like it had exactly the same style as the Palais de Congrès in Montreal. On my way back, I had to fight for sidewalk space with a bunch of pigeons. This picture doesn't do them justice because some of them waddled off before I got my phone out but here they are.