I'm going to start it off with a picture of me, because I love myself so much and not because I promised my parents I would. I'm standing outside a high street store on Oxford street. Now I know where to bring people shopping when they come.

Wait what's this! The same picture again? Double the pleasure double the fun! Can you spot the difference? (Excuse the lazy Photoshop work please, I didn't feel like putting too much effort into it.)

You probably spotted something by now - and you're right. That is what I would look like if my neck wasn't 13 feet long. No time to pat yourself on the back though, we're moving right along to Covent Garden. I'm not sure how to explain what this place is. It is a permanent market with a roof, but it's also like a shopping mall without heating. The safest thing is probably to shift the job of describing it onto someone else by linking you to the most factual source of information to ever exist, ever. Ever.

We found a fair in Leicester Square. This is a full-on ultra-cheesy, Yuletide, carni-run, hypen-ated, barf-fest of rides and stalls. Conveniently that makes it the sort if thing I'd be embarrassed about if anyone back home knew I walked through. Thankfully no one bothers to read my blogs so the secret is safe with my trusty friend: The Internet (or to Alex: Interwebz).

I present the saving grace of Leicester Square: An actual Hägen-Dazs store. I didn't notice the creepy guy in the window above the take out sign until I went to post this. I hope you enjoy the fruits of his (slave?) labour designing delicious ice creams.

Can you tell what 'town' of London this is? On an unrelated note, no one seems to own any dogs. Seriously though, those chickens (I hope) creep me out.

You may be asking yourself why I took a trip to Time Square part way through my walking tour. If you are, please re-evaluate your ability to recognize giant advertisements on buildings. This is actually Piccadilly Circus and it wants me to buy lots of stuff.

This is in Trafalgar Square. I specifically chose the photo where I was the least visible. You're welcome. In the background you can see a nice fountain and behind that you can see a giant Christmas tree. It's Norway's way of saying "thank you" to the British for being on the winning side of WWII. It is a pretty huge tree. It's hard to tell in the picture but it's almost twice my height (or roughly three times the length of my neck).

I had to postpone my audience with the Queen because it was getting dark and I wasn't interested in being swept away by the ghost of Christmas past. I'll go back with Dr. Egon some time and sort things out. We made our way to North Greenwich to go to the O2, which (apparently) suffered from problems similar to the Big O. It has a suspended, soft-shell (read: paper) roof and was a huge waste of tax payer's money (until it was sold to private owners).

This is another picture from the O2. There's some text that snakes around the inside of those bubbles. Attractions at the O2 include a skating rink inside that looks like a dusty carpet, a movie theater that has some claim to fame which I've forgotten, a bunch of restaurants with ridiculous queues and a King Tut exhibit which I'll be seeing about 5 months and 10 days from now.

And that's the kind of day it was Saturday, December 22nd, 2007. For some of you, your local CTV News is coming up next. I'm Scot Murray. For all of us here in the National Newsroom, goodnight.
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