Hi! I am feeling a lot better than I was earlier this afternoon. Before, I felt so isolated without the internet. Actually saying that is pretty pathetic, but it is so many things to me (TV, radio, mail, newspaper, phone, phone book, information, map, store, job, job search). Without it, my room felt like a cage instead of a home.
Now things have changed. I fixed up my bed today and it will be a lot more comfortable. The store still didn't have any actual pillows so I'm stuck with the three little ones I got the other day. Anyways, here are the pictures.
Here's a picture of my bed (they still didn't have any actual pillows).

Here's a picture of my computer desk (WITH INTERNET).

Here's my dresser and mirror and some kitchen/bathroom stuff i bought.

On a nicer day I'll post some pictures of my view. Right now it's too cloudy/smoggy for a decent photo but I can see the tops of some of the buildings I took pictures near Tower Bridge.
Note to Alex: Yes, that's British Fanta on the corner of my dresser. I just finished it, it was amazing.
Sweeeeet flat.
Awesome! The pillows do look a little uncomfortable, but it looks like a cozy place!
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