Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Design Museum

Timely procrastination forces creativity at the expense of deadlines.

I was working on a concept for my 'special' application for an internship at The Design Museum (www.designmuseum.org) all night. I was happy that I would have something wonderful to send off in the morning. Something SO wonderful they would call me up within the hour begging me to work for them for the rest my time here, all expenses paid. Sadly, when I 'woke up' around midnight and realized that I hadn't done anything, I forced myself to get started. About 10 minutes ago (2:30 AM) I had a much better idea so I'm going to call it a night. At least the hard part is done, all I have left is to actually do it. Actually, the hardest part will be not having a better idea and starting over again. If all else fails, I can apply with a normal cover letter and CV but I want to do this as much for the job as to prove (to myself) that I can express myself creatively.

As for letting all of you in on my plans for the future, that will be put off until (hint) I hear back from the museum, because I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. Until then, feel free to guess.

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