Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mint Digital

As you may or may not have noticed I haven't posted anything new for a few days. That's because I had an interview with a really interesting company called Mint Digital. They put together social networking sites centered around TV shows (although it could be applied to other things) using a platform they developed called BloomBox.

As it is now, there isn't much room for viewers to interact with television because, by itself, it isn't a very interactive medium. Right now it's limited mainly to voting online or by phone. What these sites will allow people to do is become part of the production of shows, which opens the door for many more possibilities than "vote one week, see it the next."

They all seemed like really nice people and it was interesting to see how they ran their office. I was interviewed by four people (separately) and it went really well, mostly because they were so easy going. Unfortunately there isn't a fairy-tale ending. The next day they sent me a very kind email to let me know I wasn't quite what they were looking. I suspect that there were more reasons than the one they gave but I appreciate that they kept it to one.

In the end, I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet them and I plan to apply some of their ideas to Farsk.

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