Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jam (Round 2)

I got a different kind of jam today because I couldn't believe that England would produce such an awful product and leave that to be the only option. I was disappointed when I opened the jar and saw that it looked very synthetic and more like JELLO than jam. I decided to applying common sense and general logic and forge ahead by making not one but four sandwiches. My heart sank as I scooped out the globs, it looked like another failure. Thankfully, by some miracle, it tasted great. Maybe it was because my expectations were so low at that point. I don't care as long as it's good.

In conclusion, the UK's PB&J comes close ours but they need to work on the overall UX. It feels like you're eating a play dough and month-old JELLO sandwich but it tastes right.

Tomorrow I'm going to test hot dogs, unfortunately I couldn't find chicken ones. They didn't have much choice and they seem skinnier than American ones.

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