Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Flight of Fantasy

This was a reader's response to an article they published in one of the free newspapers (Metro) a couple weeks ago. The original article HAS to be fake but I thought this was funny because I had the same reaction. I don't believe the "British Earth and Air Mysteries Society" even exists, much less that it has a member conveniently named like a fictional character.

Flight of Fantasy: The funniest thing I’ve read in Metro was the report that Hilary Porter of the British Earth and Air Mysteries Society (Metro, Wed) knows that the photo of an apparent UFO is unlikely to be fake as it is on a tilt, which is the way they normally fly.
I hope people that post comments on YouTube are banned from pursuing journalism or coming in contact with printing presses. They probably shouldn't be allowed to have blogs either but that would be a little hard to regulate.


This is a kwak (Belgian beer) served in "the most absurd glass" (according to the menu). The menu fails to mention, however, that you have to give them a 10 pound deposit for the privileged of being inconvenienced by its awkwardness.

It was worth it though.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ball of Whacks

Yesterday I was working from home and finally got a chance to play with my Ball of Whacks (while eating lunch). It is a set of 30 magnetic shapes that you can combine in any number of different ways. In doing so, you're supposed to be able to spark creativity or just have fun. Even from a different angle (perspective) a creation may look different (symbolic of problem solving - they like to play that up).

Here are some pictures of the things I made, along with what I thought they resembled. Maybe they'll remind you of something else - that's the whole point.

A sea anemone.


A windmill.

A biker and his motorcycle.

A farmer his wife and and their dog.

A chair.

A scorpion.

A dog scratching his side with his back paw.

A chipmunk on its hind legs.

A lobster directing an orchestra, Disney-style.

A tri-force..with ears?

In case you're wondering, I made the descriptions less visible to give you a chance to play along. If you are having trouble my "answers" then highlight the text (if you're lazy, use Select All).

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A New Hope

Since the news is more interesting than my daily work routine here's an article from the Metro. Again, I've left the full-size image large so you can read it.

It's still better than Scientology in my books.